Monday, June 30, 2008

Bon Appetite

Fifth draft (and final)

Bon Appetite

Fourth draft

Bon Appetite

Third draft

Bon Appetite

Second draft

Bon Appetite

This was my first draft for the "Bon Appetite" scene.

Bon Appetite

This is my version of Woody Allen's opening monologue from "Annie Hall", one of my all-time favorite movies.

I've created this short as part of my animation course with the amazing ms. Aya Amikam. Searching the right "look" for this animation was an interesting process for me (in which both Aya and Hava Matzkin-Eilam helped). Different illustrations and stages of the search will be posted shortly.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Bon Appetite

This is a frame from my latest animation. I just need to fix a few little things and I'll post it here.

Multitask Boy