This is our presentation of KNITO. Anna, Maria and I had created a prototype, designed an application and gave birth to KNITO (which actually works btw) as the final project at ms. Noa Bichovsky's class. Voice-over was done by my good friend Rony E. (will ask him about his name being mentioned here).
I had lots of fun working on it and this video cracks me up every time I watch it.
This is an online radio station I've created called "RadioSphere" which plays 20th century experimental music (late romnatic, second viennese school, atonal music, twelve-tone technique, serialism and so on) . The design aesthetic here was inspired by modern experimental notation that tends to express musical pieces in a very abstract graphic manner. The logo is a digital sound sample of the words "RadioSphere" and the navigation appears and disappears on rollover to reflect that feeling modern art music frequently coveys of disorientation, lack of structure and the rethinking the concept of music. There are actually some very smooth and cool transition while navigating from one page to the next but I can't think of a way to show them here. Stop by at my place when you get a chance and I'll show them to you.
This is my version of Woody Allen's opening monologue from "Annie Hall", one of my all-time favorite movies.
I've created this short as part of my animation course with the amazing ms. Aya Amikam. Searching the right "look" for this animation was an interesting process for me (in which both Aya and Hava Matzkin-Eilam helped). Different illustrations and stages of the search will be posted shortly.
I think this is probably my first animation/video I ever made. Wait, no - just remembered making some videos in the mid 90s - but I think they were crap.
Anyhow, this was part of a first year's project (at shenkar) that was called "The Last Supper". It's about a brake up.
I'm not sure what to call the technique I'm using here - I guess it's a stop-motion/animation/video/whatever.